
JOETZ sends young people and youth workers abroad to participate in international projects where intercultural encounter and exchange are central.

Follow an interactive training course (TC) and fill your backpack with new methods, exchange experiences and be inspired by foreign young people, youth workers and organizations.

During a youth exchange (YE) meet young people from across the border on a specific theme and participate in the program locally. The common thread is the exchange of ideas and experiences and getting to know each other and each other's culture.

Do European voluntary work (ESC) almost free of charge at a (youth work) organization abroad. JOETZ can only support young people who live in Belgium. If you live in the Netherlands, we advise you to contact our partner Eastpackers.

Our projects are funded through the Erasmus+ Youth program (TC and YE) and the European Solidarity Corps (ESC). As a result, there are little or even no costs for participation, transport, accommodation and meals.

JOETZ supports each participant in the preparation, during the participation and when returning from a project. At a youth exchange there is extra guidance from a group leader. JOETZ does everything within its power to give every participant a great experience abroad. So please let us know, through your application form,  if you have specific needs/needs.


Would you like us as a partner in your Erasmus+ project?

Then check out our PIF here. Mail a project idea to internationaal@joetz.be. Every proposal will be discussed in our team.