Social Games


  • Ireland
  • 21/04/2024 - 27/04/2024
  • Training Course

"Social Games" leverages interactive group activities to boost communication, teamwork, and social ties among youth. These games encourage creativity, cooperation, and cultural understanding, making them ideal for Europe's diverse settings. They promote integration and friendship across cultural divides, enriching participants' perspectives and fostering empathy and respect.

During this training you as a youth worker will learn how to utilize such games to attract, engage, and educate young people, focusing on inclusivity, relevance, and adaptability to societal changes. Themes of the training include engagement, learning, and community building, aiming to enhance social skills and create a cohesive environment. 

Through Social Games, youth workers can empower young individuals, fostering intercultural harmony and unity in a multicultural Europe.


Active and involved beforeduring and after the project:

  • Before: follow-up of your emails/Whatsapp regarding the practical organization and presence during an online pre-departure meeting with the group.
  • During: 100% active presence during the project together with your group (you travel together to the project and return back to Belgium as a group).
  • After: follow-up of your emails/Whatsapp regarding the further practical/ financial handling and dissemination of the project. Also being present during a fun reunion day in Belgium with other participants.

Stay in contact

When you are selected, we will be in contact with each other via email and Whatsapp. You will receive all the necessary information via e-mail. Whatsapp will be used for sending reminders, sharing photos and information about the project.


There is no participation fee.

Erasmus+ provides a maximum budget for transport with tram/bus/train (green travel) of 320 euros or 275 euros if travelling by plane. If your transport to and from the training stays within this budget, you pay nothing. If you go over the budget, you pay the difference. Reimbursement is only possible when we are in possession of your personal details and all original tickets/boarding passes as proof of transport costs incurred.

During the project date, food and accommodation are included. We are not able to reimburse any costs that happen outside of the project date. 


We expect you to draw up your own itinerary and travel plan. JOETZ supports you in this where necessary. You pay the transport costs in advance. Reimbursement takes place approximately three months after the end of the project (see above). 


Selection procedure


  1. View the information on this web page and in the info pack (download infopack).
  2. Fill in the online form at the bottom of this webpage. Please read the questions carefully and take the time to answer them in English as completely as possible. If you want, we can support (please let us know by email but bare in mind there is a deadline to apply, so please contact us max. 2 days before the deadline). 
  3. Don't worry if you don't get a response from us right away, we go through all the applications after the deadline to apply has passed and will then be in touch soon.
  4. Joetz is in charge of making a pre-selection short list for this project. However, the final selection will be done by the organizing partner. In this case, you will receive another selection form them at a later date.

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