ESC In Belgium @ JOETZ

Applications closed

  • Belgium
  • 30/08/2025 - 29/08/2026
  • ESC

No more applications accepted



Are you interested to volunteer for one year in Belgium? Ready to enhance your social-cultural skills and your role as a trainer in front of various youth groups? Are you interested in learning group dynamics, promotion of a healthy lifestyle, do you enjoy going on camps with kids and youngsters and are you interested in International Youth Work

Then you are the person we're looking for! 

As a young person (18-30), you can spread your wings during an ESC project. You will work as a volunteer in our organization to contribute to society. Your range of tasks will be very diverse, but your core role will be to learn Dutch and support the team with group activities for kids and youngsters in schools and in their free time. You will be enjoying the beautiful city of Gent as your home. 


JOETZ is a health-oriented youth organisation, we promote a healthy lifestyle to youngsters on all our activities. .

Participation in the European Solidarity Corps means:


Who, what, where, when?

Check our infopack here, to get the full picture! 

  • Full-time volunteer work (4 or 5 days a week, +-30 hours)
  • After an intense training program you will be giving workshops in Dutch about health topics at schools and local youth work organizations for (mostly) kids
  • You will support JOETZ during camps and trainings, and will have the chance to attend trainings yourself
  • The ESC is mostly in Belgium, but there will be a couple of international opportunities as well
  • You need to be a minimum of 18 and a maximum of 30 years young
  • Happening from August/September 2025 until August 2026


  • Travel costs are covered
  • Your accommodation will be provided by us
  • You will receive food allowance to live a basic life
  • Pocket money, resulting in 6€ a day, 180€ in a month
  • Additional insurance for your time at work and in your free time during your stay in Belgium
  • You will share this experience with another ESC volunteer, with whom you'll live in the same house (separate rooms).


  • You'll learn Dutch immediately with lessons and in contact with the target group
  • You will receive pre-departure advice, and trainings during your project
  • Follow-up of your learning experience by a mentor (a person who did ESC in the past)
  • Youth Pass (official certificate that counts as an added value to your resume)

Pushing boundaries

  • Networking opportunity: intercultural contacts with youth workers, professionals, volunteers, young people, organisations, ...
  • 100% Cultural immersion in Belgian Youth Work field and the Belgian culture (language, food, customs, ...)
  • You get the opportunity to live abroad independently
  • ESC is also about time and space for self-reflection and personal development


  • You need to be at least 18 years old, but we prefer volunteers from 21+ years old with some life experience. If you are younger, don't let it hold you back to apply, convince us that you're the right person for this project!
  • If you have already some Dutch knowledge or you're motivated to practice Dutch in preparation of your stay, you have more chance to convince us
  • Some maturity will be expected, as you will have to work both in teams and independently
  • A willingness to give your time to the Youth Work field, anyone trying to gain experience for future career possibilities in this field has a better chance to receive this position
  • If you are naturally in favor of healthy habits and promoting a healthy lifestyle, you are the one we're searching!

Next steps

  • Take a good moment to apply below and answer our questions
  • Take your time when applying, a lot of questions are practical, but a lot of them also are trying to understand you and your motivation to sign up for this
  • We work creatively in Youth Work, so feel free to give us creative answers, we will appreciate it!
  • We understand it is tempting to use Chat GPT or other similar sources to enhance your application, but we're very much in favor of authentic answers


"JOETZ is committed to being a fair and inclusive workplace. We don’t discriminate based on gender, religion, race, age, disability or sexual orientation. Treating everyone with respect and fairness is at the heart of our values and the way we work as an organization."


No more applications accepted

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