Find your european experience!

Push your limits and gain unique experience abroad. JOETZ sends out young people and youth workers to participate in international projects where intercultural encounter and exchange are central. You can participate in short-term training courses (TC) and youth exchanges (YE) or do European volunteer work (ESC) almost free of charge for a longer period of time.

ESC In Belgium @ JOETZ

Applications closed

  • Belgium
  • 30/08/2025 - 29/08/2026
  • ESC

Are you interested to volunteer for one year in Belgium? Ready to enhance your social-cultural skills and your role as a trainer in front of various youth groups? Are you interested in learning group dynamics, promotion of a healthy lifestyle, do you enjoy going on camps with kids and youngsters and are you interested in International Youth Work? Do you want to live in Belgium for one full year and learn Dutch? Then you are the person we're looking for!

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