Reporting Transgressive Behavior - JOETZ vzw

If someone at JOETZ crosses your boundaries or if you notice that this might be happening to someone else, you can contact an Integrity Contact Person (API).  

An API will listen to your story in complete confidence, provide advice and - if necessary - refers you to the appropriate services. 

Before each activity, we inform participants about the APIs who are easily accessible. You can choose to contact any of them. You also have the option to contact Liselotte Bekaert, the coordinating API at JOETZ, via 

What do we mean by transgressive behavior? 

Transgressive behavior refers to situations where someone crosses your boundaries in a way that you find unwanted or uncomfortable. This can happen physically, verbally, or digitally, such as through intimidation, bullying, discrimination, unwanted sexual behavior, or other forms of inappropriate interaction. 

What happens to my report? 

After receiving your report, an API will contact you as soon as possible. We will take the time to listen to your story and understand your situation. Together with the API, you will discuss the possible steps that can be taken and how we can best support you. 

Confidentiality and privacy  

An API has a duty of discretion. This means that everything you share will be kept confidential to the greatest extent possible. In certain cases, it may be necessary to seek additional help, but the API will always inform you beforehand.